2. Register your account

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Register an account to get your Client ID and Client Secret Key.
The Client ID does not need to be protected (can be viewed by users) and will be used later to embed the Cyberus Key Widget and start Cyberus Key login process.
The Client Secret Key, on the other hand, is a private key and you must not be publicly accessible. This key will be used by the back-end integration and your identity confirmation.

To create your account:

  1. Go to our landing page
  2. If you don’t have Cyberus Key mobile application, download it from App Store or Google Play and register there your e-mail address
  3. Click “Next”. You’ll see a button “Login with Cyberus Key” (this is the Cyberus Key Widget).

  1. After you’re logged in, on the bottom you’ll see the panel, as in the image below, where you can set your company name and a Redirect URI. The Redirect URI is the endpoint to which the response will be sent.

In the screen above, we used an example address
https://your-application.com/api/authorize. Change it to your needs.

  1. After registration, you’ll see the Client ID and Client Secret Key. Copy those values.

    Optional. When you log out and log in again you’ll find the Integration tab where you can manage redirections. You can define a test redirection for localhost or whatever server is needed for development. But remember to remove test redirections when development is finished.
  2. Now you are registered!

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